Affiliate Marketer Royalty Distribution Steps
  1. Affiliates > Referrals
  2. Specify date range to filter down to; click Filter
  3. Click on Affiliate column to sort by Affiliate (ignore “Billy” since Training The Street does their own tallies and we have a unique paydate range for the distributions)
  4. Visually scan the Amounts for each Affiliate and note down on paper (do not note down any “Rejected” or “Pending” listings)
  5. Add amounts
  6. Double check itemization and tallies
  7. Issue checks via (except for Fayong Hu, who gets paid via PayPal)
  8. Mark listings as Paid, even for those affiliates who only have $0 sales
  9. Repeat #8 for Billy items that tie to the unique filtered TTS distribution date range (find email from Kristy Hill with subject line “Royalty Calculation”)
  10. Mark Billy items Paid for the unique TTS distribution range.


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